Today when I was suppose to be doing other things I worked on an online challenge...we were to use the colors in the Squirt soda bottle to make something quilty....
My daughter liked the little basket I made while back so I asked her if she would like one if I made it...her answer was yes she would use it for scrapbooking...that was my clue on how big to make it...I even had all the scrap fabric on my table stacks to use....The basket is 3 inches tall and is 7 inches square...the corner pockets are just right for scissors or pencils...
There are 100 squares in that little thing though it doesn't look like it....I could have made it easier though if not a color challenge by using just 2 colors and making the basket...the colors are a little off...the peach looks pink and the yellow looks white... if you are checking the squirt label lol....when I first heard the colors I thought what am I going to do....but I think the basket is very colorful so I am happy with it....
We had our quilt meet yesterday and it was really a good one in spite of our sweltering heat...all but 2 were there....lots of show and tell and a big variety of things...
I have not a thing planned for my supper hamburger out of freezer but don't think its going to thaw in time....maybe good night for breakfast...bacon, eggs and fried potatoes....that really sounds good to me....
Been working here and there on flower garden quilt but not much to show at the moment....some days too hot to sew other ones I'm too lazy lol....but I have to get qulting I am so behind....stay cool (or warm)....more later....
You might have noticed that i haven't posted for a bit but i have been a busy gal...if you quilt then you know you have leftover fabric and odd blocks from other projects well i am not different lol....i was getting too many little bags in my clothes basket of blocks so i started looking through them and found several that would make good small items for giving 'just because' i started working on them a couple weeks ago and came up with a lot of goodies....too many for one picture....
I never seem to have trouble giving potholders away or the little mug i end up making a lot of them...I still have more in the works but my machine is giving some trouble so not too eager to keep going on them at the moment till i get it back in good condition...its easier on my nerves lol....It hasn't taken down the amount of bags in that clothes basket though i still have way too many in there...
Today its supply day so gotta get out of the house for that and maybe a late lunch....have to see what happens....more later....
Remember when i said i was working on another grandmothers flower garden quilt this time for me????...Well i am and its no.7...mine is beige background and all the others are white background...mine is also the small flower...i like them the best to work on...
I have seeen soo many ways to put one othese quilts together from gluing the basting (always wondered what happened it you didn't wash it out)..i baste mine by hand...some use papers if you read my blog you know i dont use papers and it works perfectly fine...i would recommend this method for any to use and you will have good results...
As i sit and work on this quilt i wonder if the pioneers made theirs without papers too...back then they were lucky to have a newspaper to read....there wasn't paper till the paper mills started up...i have a old quilt mag that says to take the template hold it next to the fabric and cut around it adding a 1/4 inch as you go and that is your hex to start...i suppose they cut up their old dresses and passed them around so each person at the quilting bee has some...I guess we will never know for sure..
Any way if you are interested in making one and haven't started with some other method...give mine a try if you have the time to devote to making it...
Well its getting late so its off to bed for now...more later....
Today i am going to answer Celia's comment...that is a good idea using a flannel back table cloth for a design wall but i dont have a wall that i can devote to that...
i still lay out blocks on the floor to check where they should go but i cant lay out a quilt top on the floor to sandwich and pin so i butt 2 tables together and lay them out there....but i have a health condition with my back that makes that hard to do without a lot of stops to let the back spasms fact i dont have floor space large enough to lay out a quilt top either....
i just need a nice big studio lol.....if i was younger i would not hesitate to have an addition onto the house but at my age i doubt i would get much use out of it for the money it would take to build it....
I am happy to see all comments on my blog...then i know people do read it and makes it worthwhile for me to write it...glad to see love of quilts comments too...glad you are back commenting i missed them when you stopped....
Today i am going to see if i can get my driving test over with....been too worried about it and its not going to stop till i get it done....just hope i pass.....another thing you have to do when you get to 75...ugh....
Have a great hump day everyone....keep on sewing....more later....
This week has been mostly cleaning time around here...when i am sewing no cleaning gets done except for the kitchen and some laundry...i shouldn't tell anyone that i suppose but true ....i am sure most sewing people have the same problem if you dont have a family you have to take care of...
I have a lot of health problems that affect everything i try to do and cleaning is one big order to scrub the kitchen and bath floors it required me to stop and rest my back several times before completing the task...this isn't like me...i used to be kind of a whirlwind with all those things getting a lot done in one i am lucky to get done what i do....
Memorial weekend is here and i have had past thoughts about what our family used to do...we had good friends and we always got together on this and other holidays for family outings i am the only one of the adults still living except for their kids and mine....somewhat sad to miss all those good times we had all kids will be busy doing their thing this holiday and i am going to try to get a quilt laid out...if not i will be sewing i am sure ..maybe leave for a little while for a lunch somewhere over the weekend.....more later....
I can post this now that it has been delivered...i made this runner with a quilter friend in mind when i started...i had been tinkering around with some stars with triangle blocks squares leftover from the big star quilt...then i made some other stars the same size maybe to have a big quilt someday with all them in it...Well when working on this runner it was looking a little plain so i decided to hand quilt in the white with blue thread...and after all that i thought it needed more so hence the stripe binding....Not too bad but i would have liked star binding better but no luck....
Today i have been working on another small quilt for charity...2 inch squares around a 5 inch center square...i have a lot of solid colors that i can get the centers from and a lot of 2 inch squares to pick for the rest...i think i will need 35 blocks then i can put together...i might machine quilt this one before i send....we will see later......that is all for now...will be a quiet holiday here that is ok...time for sewing?????.....more later...
I have been working on a UFO that i started back in 1980...not sure why i quit working on it but i think its because i had trouble appliquing it to the white background...It was my first attempt at applique and i didn't do a very good job...BUT i decided to finished anyway...It was a good item to practice my hand quilting on it... and what it would look like if you couldn't get all the design where you wanted it...Its 28 inches square so not a lot of room...i had all the pieces there to finish it but had to find a binding color as i dont have any of the fabrics left in my stash...Not sure i will be making a wedding ring quilt in the future...but then i never say never...
It hasn't been a very good trouble after another...first the main sewer pipe was plugged and had plumbers out to work on it....was very inconvenient for couple days....then hot water in shower wouldn't work all the rest of rooms did...finally got that unplugged...was an air lock....and last but crazy...the crockpot couldn't cook a chicken in 6 hours at 300 degrees...
Today i left to maybe change all the bad karma that is floating around here...maybe it went out the door when i left....well i hope its time for me to get going on something being i have basically goofed off today...more later.....
Today i thought i would give you a couple hints for those who are interested in making the Grandmothers Flower Garden quilts, either the large ones or the small flowers...I was asked while back if i had any easy tips...i am not sure they are easy but they might make the work easier...
1. A good formula for planning a Grandmothers Quilt (small flower) is: Pick out at least 7 colors from the color wheel, such as purple, pink, green, blue, orange, brown and a mixed one that doesn't have a definite color plan (like multi color flower)...then the next part is out of EACH color category get at least 5 different prints...and the next part is out of EACH of those 5 make at least 5 blocks should have about 175 blocks when finished...that is enough for a good size quilt...this is helpful when trying to see if you have enough fabric...
2.If you have started a quilt and have trouble getting in the right spot for adding the end block...start with the block in second or third where those blocks would be and work back to the first one...Its much easier to do that than to try to rip out without tearing up your block...i know from experience.
3. If you are following my method of this will be repeating row 1 and 2 trying to figure out how big to make the length take the amount of blocks in these two rows and x by how many times you want to repeat and then add the last row extra to balance the quilt so it looks the same as the first row (the longer row)....
I hope these tips help...i have done things so automatic that i dont think of them as tips but i guess they are if you are getting started...this quilt isn't hard but if you dont want to devote the time to make it you may never finish it as it does take a lot of time....let me know if they help...more later...
I made this little table topper last week out of a 3 inch strip i had that i got from a scrap bag a lady brought to the quilt meeting last made 7 little pinwheels and was so pretty i couldnt see burying it in the middle of a quilt so i had to make something to show them off...i just kept building the block then laid it out and this is what i came up with using all but one block...I had a stencil i wanted to try out hand quilting before i put it on a big quilt, the verdict is out on it so far....I took the topper to my daughters mothers day hoping she would like it...these are the colors she likes....She Did!...she is pretty picky about what she wants so not always easy to please her lol...
My stencil order came so now i have new ones to play with...more sizes which will be helpful...i see one already that i plan to use very soon...
Today i made a couple mug rugs, the binding to sew down tonight while watching machine was acting up terrible but i finally got it going ok...but i made a few mistakes here and there till i got it to seems it wants the thread to be in the spindle on top of machine not the horizontal maybe i wont have trouble for awhile....hope not i have a lot i want to do and dont need the stress....well its time to get back at it so till next time....more later.....
I got this quilt put together today except for the will be 80x100 when finished...being it was 8 inch blocks it went togther alot faster than the little pinwheel blocks i have been working with..I have been collecting purples, magentas, teal, and other batiks since i bought the 9 patch fabric a year ago...i saw this quilt when i looked at that fabric lol...i dont have floor space to lay it completely out so the couch had to do....
I had been looking through my stencils this last month and using a few here and there or parts of them...i have a good collection but a person gets tired of using the same ones over and over so i got an order together and hope it comes this week....the ones shown are some that i used this past week...i needed some inbetween 4 and 7 inches...when i first bought them those were the sizes i thought i would i seem to need all sizes....i guess i am doing more quilting these days...
I have a couple more things to show but have to wait till the person get them cause they may read this blog and i want it to be a suprise for them will post pics of them later....for now that is it....more later....
Playing last week included working up different star blocks to see what sizes i get using various strips and squares...and yes i wrote information on the block so i would be able to see at a glance if i had close to the size on my messy sewing table...i did the same with pinwheel blocks...before i could never remember what sizes i had started for a quilt then had to remeasure and hope it was right so now maybe i will be more organized.....
By double stitching my hst's for my aqua/purple/blue star quilt i am gaining small star blocks (the red one in pic) there will be another quilt...i couldn't bear to throw away all those smaller hst's cut from those big blocks at the price of batiks these days...i found a pinwheel block size the same as those start blocks so i think maybe it might be a quilt one day....
I still have golds and oranges to wash up and iron....those i have a plan for so would like to get at them and then i will have most of the fabric done...its been laying around too long and i could be using it...there are some really pretty fabrics out there that i am itching to get my hands on lol.....
Well i am off to Pinterest to get a dose of 'Quilt Med' to get me started today while i finish my coffee...after seeing all the quilts on there i get inspired to do more sewing....its amazing what a picture will do lol.... more later....
I guess today i have been reflecting on my life....where i have been, where i am now, and what the future holds....i hope i am around for many years even though disease and arthritis keeps trying to keep me from doing the things i like...
Why am i thinking today?....This is the third anniversary of my heart attack....3 years ago i thought it was my last day on earth...But after being in the hospital for a week and going through a gazillion pills and tests they finally found the right combo to get me back into life again....
I will never be like i was in my 40's though i wish i had the energy i had then.... but everyone has been good and not caused me any undo stress to make things worse and my daughter reminds me when i think about taking a custom order for something not to do it because of the stress of dealing with the public...been there did that....
So here i am doing things i like within reason like quilting and sewing things that appeal to me...i have a roof over my head and food in the frig and clothes on my is good.....more later....
Last week i dug into my big basket of blocks again...its always a treat to see what i find in there....i bag blocks and toss them in there for future use ....the bag i dug out was blocks i had started about a year earlier....and i have been gathering more fabrics for the stars...i had ordered the print for the 9 patches a long time ago and i think the right background fabric...its a very pale blue gray which blends great with all the fabrics i am using...i have a lot of purples, blue-greens, orchids and others i hope will blend...the bright one in the foreground of the picture is magenta...might be too bright ...i know its going to take a lot of colors....I remeasured the background fabric again and re-calculated to make sure i would have enough of it for a good size quilt....i cant get more i dont think so it will be as big as i can...
I have 5 quilt tops sitting out right now waiting for borders ...i have to get those done so they can be hung till i sandwich and quilt....i need a crew working for me lol....
I have been thinking about Christmas this year already....if i get in gear i think the kids will get a quilt as a bonus this of my daughters spied one that she would like so that gave me the idea considering it might take till Christmas to get them all least the tops are all made except for the borders....a big plus...
Well i want to get back to the stars and find some more colors in my stash to use....i need 50 more stars and 9 will be awhile before they are done.....more later....
I have this quilt top put together this far as of the left of the picture are the reds i might want to use...all have to be washed and ironed from the stack of new fabric...and i am waiting on 1 more red in an order which i think i will use...for the first narrow border....the background fabric will be the last big will be plain enough for good hand quilting to show up....Not sure when i will get to it to quilt...i have a big project coming to do that might take me all summer....more on this later....

The last time i straighted up my leftover stacks i made a few potholders from leftover blocks and borders from the stacks and strips ....i have a few more odd blocks i should do that with....not enough of them to put in a quilt or a runner...good way to use them up...i also made a couple mug rugs just using some of the strips i had laying on the table not really matching up anything....i will be giving them to a friend later in the week....sometimes putting things together at random works better than hours of did these mug rugs....
I irratated my bad leg using the leg lever on my sewing machine so much so yesterday i was out of commission giving into the pain and just resting....i think i slep most of the day and yes most of the night....i didn't know i was so tired....i should be caught up for awhile i would my leg still hurts but i have to make a trip to the store for some groceries have to's....hope it goes well....more later.....
I have been on a roll this past month with hand quilting with a little blip this past week with a bummed up finger for a couple days....I had fabric leftover from my sons fish quilt i made couple years ago and i didn't know what i was going to do with the 2 yards taking up space in the cabinet so i made a quilt for a boy that will i think become my step great grandson one day...he adores my son and loves fishing as much as my son does...i hand quilted it and had just enough fabric to make the twin size quilt....
The next quilt i have had for about a year and there is another one about the same size waiting for its turn to be quilted also....this one is an oversized baby quilt i hand quilted after i got done with the fish too is leftover fabric some from my grandsons football quilt back.....the border on this one is light blue not white as the picture shows....its a simple one with just alternating bricks but very striking....
I was cleaning off the chair that i had piled sewing stuff on and found a table topper ....i dont remember making it but i finished it also....gotta get new batteries for the camera then i can take more then i might have more to show....i hope to keep the momentum going with all this quilting....more later.....
I have been talking about laying out another quilt for a long time...well today is the always hurts my back so when i do this i keep putting it off but today i decided i had to start in again.....
It has taken me all afternoon to get this far with it about half way pinned then i can put it in the standing hoop to hand quilt....first i was going to hand quilt then machine quilt , back and forth but its much nicer hand quilted and i do a better job.....
This is a medium size quilt, 54x79 so it wont take too long to do then i can keep the momentum going i hope with another quilt after this one is done....that is my plan anyway...
Well my rest time is over so back to pinning...i want to get some quilting done on it tonight yet so i better get going....more later.....
I have been having trouble sleeping again so earlier in the week i got up at 1:30 am and started crocheting dish cloths...I had gotten this yarn about 3 weeks ago and thought i might as well work it up...the pic has what i made that night but since then i have used all but the white yarn and have 6 new dishcloths....
I have been feeling kind of under the weather this week with either a cold or allergy problems, maybe both i am being a little lazy and just piddling around...not sure i will have accomplished anything important....
I did work on the little pesky blocks that i showed in last post and now have them all made so now to think of what to add to them to make them bigger...maybe another round of triangles...if so assorted colors or same color????...good question!...i have a few days of this cold so i can think about it when i am laying around....more later....
Yesterday i washed up scrap fabric i had accumulated from different outside sources got it all pressed and the small pieces cut into the sizes i need and made some pinwheel blocks as i went....the larger pieces went into the stack on the back of my table that is climbing up the wall.
Later in the day i turned my energies to the little sq in sq blocks i am doing....i dont know why i am doing these so small...i started them a few years ago...i am not sure i had a
reason at they are so far all 98 of them and the little triangles scattered all over and the last of the white centers sitting on the sewing cabinet ready to finish....then i suppose i will need to add another round to make them big enough to make a decent block...not sure i want to work with them today...
My idea for today is wash up all the orange, rust and light brown fabric that i have accumulated that needs to be put in the cabinet...i do have plans for that later when i tackle a challenge for my quilt group....and it will be a challenge if i use the plans i have in my head....there are i think 9 different pieces of fabric to deal with from 1 yard to 4 yard pieces so one load of wash but i will dry them a couple at a time so as not to wear out my shoulder that gives me trouble...i suppose it will take most of my day lol....but then its a nasty windy day so i wont be going out....i can play all day....more later.....
I have been a busy little bee this morning....i put the border on 2 quilt tops getting ready to box up to send to charity for kids....these are the six items i am sending...2 finished quilts and 4 quilt tops....that will about do me for awhile ...believe it or not my scrap pile is getting low on variety right now so until i get sewing fever again i wont be making anymore....
Here are the last two that i worked on that is in the stack to go to charity....
i will be glad to get the box off the table....its loaded again with sewing stuff and i am trying to get it cleared so i can lay out one to hand quilt....No plans for the rest of the day but i am sure there will be sewing in the middle of it...
I am not feeling too good this week...i seemed to hav picked up a bug so i might be laying down napping for some of the time....I would like to get the box mailed off as soon as i recieve my address where i have to send it so i am waiting on that...just maybe i might get that table cleared off this week more things in the works when i feel better... so that is about it for now....more later....
I have been meaning to post about this for some time and i keep forgetting it unless my memory is jogged looking at color....
I have noticed in a lot of mags and shops that different shades of gray seem to be used as background fabric in quilts....I also noticed when i go to order at my favorite place that i cannot find many whites that are in stock....Now i know most fabrics are imported to the states so i am wondering if companies arent making whites or is the public grabbing them up as they hit the market....I also wonder if gray is taking the place of white or black because of lack of fabric on the market....I am full of wondering today lol....
I have a quilt started with a very light gray which i preference is the cream color for daughter , the one who like primitive says the cream color makes a quilt look old which she likes....i just like the blending making the quilt look softer....
I guess i will keep wondering about these things till someone can shed light on my though is off to a good start with getting things done so i can sew later....maybe pics later in the week.....always something going on here....more later....
I am a happy camper today so far....the quilt with the little square in square blocks and the bricks has gone together was like they were planned to be together...i did have to make more brick blocks (6 in block) as i had been using them as leaders and enders so didn't have the 80 i needed so had to make 50 the left are string strips but the brick blocks are similar that alternate rows with the square in square blocks so you can get the picture....
What made me a happy camper was the fact that i had 14 sns blocks left so i could add another 6 inches to the length which it needed...
Then after i added those i went to the big yardage bin to look for a blender for the border...i found the perfect one for that too so now to wash it up and iron i can add the border...its almost scary that things are going so later....
A couple days ago I had an echocardiogram at the hospital which I hope is the last test I will have for the far all the tests I have had revealed nothing...At least its telling me I don't have the big C or a lot of other diseases or problems...for that I am thankful.... All these tests are telling me I might be right that my food is going through my body too fast to get absorbed like it should hence I am not making blood as fast as I am using it over a period of years....there is more to story but I wont bore you...anyway I hope my family doc recognizes that this could be the gastro doc hasn't ruled it out....
Anyway---its been so cold here when I had to get out to go for this test that I actually dragged out my winter coat...ya know its cold when I do that I hate coats especially heavy ones but at least I was very warm against the zero weather...
A little sewing is being done but mostly working on the border of my daughters flower garden quilt...I am almost ready for the last side....then only have one more quilt to add a border to...I have been having a lot of pain in my arm that I hand sew with...I think all the repetition sewing is wearing on I have been babying it somewhat...
I have gotten a couple fabric orders in the last 2 weeks so have to get them washed and ironed (another aggravation for my arm) ...I am waiting to use one of the pieces for the back of a childs oversized quilt for a family member...will need to hand quilt that one....
So all in all lots of sewing to get going on...if winter sticks around I am sure I will be in the sewing room a lot more lol....maybe pics next time.....more later....
Ok, i admit it....i think i am going to commit the cardinal sin of fabric!....let me explain....
Years ago i bought this stripe fabric on sale with the idea to cut it up and create a new fabric....this fabric is a little heavier than normal cotton so the seams are a little bulkier...but i went ahead anyway...i cut squares then cut those into triangles then cut them again for triangles then cut 2 more triangles out of each of those...a lot of cutting and seams ..then sewing the 2 3/4 inch triangle blocks together into a 9 patch...i must have gotten bored or didn't like it cause i put it away for years.....

I got it back out 2 days ago and started working on it more...but as i was working on it and trying to get a good press on the blocks it wasn't working...and i really didn't want to cut up more fabric and go through all that again...i have 30 -9 patch blocks of these and no matter what i think could make out of them they are just too bulky and probably would break needles trying to quilt them soooo I am going to commit the cardinal sin of fabric...and throw them out!!!!....I am sure the fabric police will come and get me and throw me in fabric jail for this but rather than spend more time messing with them I think its best i get on with something else....
The fabric and the blocks have been in my basket of blocks for over 3o years and i think its time to deal with it....i must be losing patience cause really dont want to spend any more time of these....more later....
The other day when i was tinkering around in the sewing room i found a fat quarter and some leftover triangles sitting on the table...they kinda looked like they should go together so i scrounged around in the cabinet for a co-ordinating piece to make sashes out of....this is what i came up with.....
I think it will be a nice addition for someone next fall...and more important ..some more things off my table....i swear the table content multiplies over night.....
I also noticed that there are solid colors accumulating on the table....i am thinking i should cut some strips maybe 2 1/2 inches wide of lots of different colors to make a irish chain quilt....i love that pattern...its so simple but it looks so clean and striking with lots of room for nice quilting...this idea has been roaming around in my head for awhile....sooner or later i will make another one lol
Gotta get out today and see if i can get the garage door open so i can get out and get groceries....i am sure its stuck with the 'watery' snow we got last week and now cold it has moderated so maybe if i can get the snow away from the door it might open....Hope So!....more later....
Yesterday was a good least in the sewing room....outside its cold and frozen snow...i say it like that cause of the water content and the single digit temps make it hard as ice....
Back to sewing....I made these 53 blocks that are pretty little..3 inches square...i am going to make blocks till the background light color runs out....I dont think it will be very big by itself so i am up for ideas on what to use with them to make it at least lap size....i didn't do a very good plan with this one...its been laying in my clothes basket of blocks for at least 2 years so i would like to see it done...
I may go in the sewing room today and scratch around...i really should put fabric away...i have stacks around in there that need put away...i would have more room wouldn't i??...I always get sidetracked when i go in with a purpose but i will try to stay focused
Right now on my sewing table i have 3 partly done tops being worked on at a chance for boredom here lol...who knows maybe i will get one of them finished this week and it can hang in the closet with the rest of them....yes i am being a little sarcastic at myself....but i hope to change that this more on finishing the WHOLE quilt not just the top.....ok time to get dressed and get at it.....more later....
Instead of working on things i should have been this afternoon i made this block....i saw a quilt on line while i was 'roaming' around and i was fascinated with it...of course i dont have a pattern so i was winging it....i used some scrap and 2 inch stuff...well it worked out all except i should have had 2 1/2 inch pieces then it would work square...its a keeper though it will be one i will make in the future...
We had our quilt group meeting yesterday...lots of gabbing and exchanging thoughts about sewing was a good day weather wise considering its the middle of winter and we usually have at least some snow to put up next month might be a different story lol....
I am working on one of these right now putting a border on it in light blue...these were the first that i made and my girls saw the others with the borders and now they want theirs to have one so here we go lol....the other one will have a medium green border on it which is next...i wonder if i will ever be done with the Grandmothers Flower Garden quilts lol....I do know that everyone will be tired of me talking about them lol....
It dont look like much on tv tonight so i just might go in and sew till bedtime....but then plans change dont they??...whatever i do will be a suprise i think....more later....
I decided that i needed to work with strings today after looking in my scrap basket that i keep on the sewing was overflowing with scrap....i really didn't want to do much as i was tired for some reason...I could have dumped it into the bigger tote but i didn't want that either as it can get out of hand very fast....
This is the result of my efforts....not sure i will work on more but i do have to go in and put things away if i dont...after my back rests for awhile i will see if i can do more....i really need to....
I had to take a break from working on the flower garden quilts today...I have been working on them steady for over a month and I am tired of them at the present lol....oh i will keep at it but not like i have been...well i gotta go lay down for a muscle spasms in my back and they need to quit....more later....
Today seemed like much so that i tried to find TV programs that i watch on Sunday today....Finally figured out that it was Saturday....I just hate when i get my days mixed up...
It was a busy day though...I always work on the flower garden quilts in the morning and today was no a lot done too...ready to turn the corner on the border and had to get out one of the others so i could get it set up they way it should be....Those corners are very tricky...
Then later in the afternoon i quilted a table runner i just was a fall pattern FQ and some triangles floating around on my sewing table forever...i had enough triangles to make 7 square in square blocks...i put them in rows of 2 using 6 and had one leftover for a potholder....i have the runner yet to sew the binding down but my fingers are getting sore tonight so will wait till another time....
I even got my bills cleaned up ready to mail... and the bar almost cleaned off....the dining table is almost cleaned off too...i have been working on that job for about a week...i want to lay out a quilt to sew or take to quilter...not decided which...
I just know i am tired and my back feels like a truck ran over it with all the sitting at themachine i did the last couple i suppose i better turn in early with a tylenol chaser tonight....more later.....