Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Well here I am again....since I was here last I was taken to emergency at the hospital and had abdominal reconstructive surgery.....I am home now but I am very rocky and sooooo tired...but I am functioning day to day....

It seems this problem has been with me most of my life but decided to shut down my body now after all these years....I am very happy there was no cancer...I was very scared that was what they were going to find....

While recouping in the hospital I did a little hand sewing making some hex posies when I felt like it....I forgot to put a thimble in my little portable bag of sewing so had to let up so as not to get my fingers too sore....

So I am thinking it may be a few weeks yet before I do much sewing while I am getting back on my feet again....might be sooner...right now just taking things a day at a time...

Thank you all for understanding......more later...