For the last two days I have been making 'string strips' for a border of one of my new quilts....
I haven't measured to see if I have enough made but it looks like I should have.....
I only worked out of my little basket that I keep close by to add anything under 1 1/2 inches wide...this picture doesn't show it overflowing...that is why I started making them this week...because the scraps weren't going in the basket anymore lol and I couldn't stand the basket pretty much looks like the picture...almost glad I didn't have to get out the big box that has more scrap in it...that is always a huge mess if I get it out....
I will have more pics later more little stuff has been made and I have a quilt to show that you haven't seen yet too needs borders fact these strings is part of the border for it....
It turned off cold this week and I had to turn on the furnace...I didn't think I would keep it going but its cold outside and there is no sense of me arthritis gives me enough trouble....
well I am off to bed its been a long long day and I am really tired.....till next time....more later....
This is what I have been doing the last few days....
on 1 quilt I added the rest of the loose blocks to it...the hour glass one and I posted about the butterflies on my roses quilt...well its waiting for a border as is the hour glass one and my 'poe' quilt is also waiting for a border and then we come to the modern quilt with all the browns and oranges and too is waiting for a border if I put one on it....I have a lot of strips cut of the pieces of that quilt so might add thin border dark one and a piano keys of the leftovers....have to decide on you can see I have been working up a storm....
With all that I got my back outta whack so am letting it rest for a couple was warm in the sewing room so I had the fan on too and me in a cool draft is not a good arthritis really squawks at that....but then I could use a couple days off from sewing...the kitchen needs attention...
About the mess on the sewing table...well I am working on it...I have put blocks away that have bags already started and have cut squares and triangles of various scraps and I got the brainy idea for another quilt I could see in the scrap with the 1 1/2 strips ..
so I started a boomerang quilt....if no one in the family wants it I will probably look around for a charity to give it too later....with the help of my box of 2 inch strips I am sure I can find another 4 rows to complete the center....more on this later....
As you can tell I go from one to another without a second thought to taking pictures to record the events but eventually I get them taken...just know my blog is important and if anyone can get help reading it it makes it worth while....more later.....