Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The fall festival is over for another year....the weather was great, a little cool but ok.....the crowd was a little thinner I think and looking not buying unless it was food....that was the busy places...according to one vendor people just seemed to be out for a stroll lol....but then I kind of expected this as I hear every day on the tv that the economy is still not the best....

Here at home at this very moment I have 3 quilts started on the back corner of my table....I think all three will be at least  double bed size....you will see more of them as I work on them but I had to package them up to keep it all together...that becomes a problem sometimes as limited as I am for space...
I got my order Saturday with the border fabric I am going to use with the floating boxes quilt...that should make it twin size....
its another one of those conversation thingys that my family most likely will comment on....its kind of a fun quilt so why not put a fun border on it....it might go to the nursing home to brighten up someones life...more on that later.....
All those medium and pastel fabrics I had out when working on the sherbet colors quilt I decided to make another one only prism design....
years ago I made one with pastel prints where the colors are with white as a background....it went to my nephew's family and I liked it so well that it stuck in my mind and I said one day I would do another....the colors I had out seemed the right choice for this one instead of the prints....more on this later too....ok I am editing this...I was looking over the blog and found I had a picture on the right of the last prism quilt with the prints....so you can see what one looks like done....
Life is back to normal for me now lol....my brain is working overtime as usual so maybe I will come up with some goodies .....more later.....


  1. I love your pastel prism quilt!

  2. The prism quilt on your sidebar is lovely. I am sure this one will be too. I don't usually disagree with any one but I think the loud material you have as a border will take away from your quilt. Just saying.
